Maintenance trends in 2022

To stand out from the competition, one must be aware of market trends and innovations, and that is exactly what we are going to talk about in this article. Read on and find out what’s to come for maintenance in 2022.

Maintenance Trends 2022
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Maintenance has changed a lot since the concept emerged in the 19th century. Maintenance gained momentum during the World War II, when production increased and the first specialized maintenance teams had to be created. Since then, many methodologies, concepts and technologies have been created. The fact is that more and more companies are seeing the importance of the maintenance sector for the success of organizations and this gains even more strength in 2022.

To stand out from the competition, one must be aware of market trends and innovations, and that is exactly what we are going to talk about in this article. Read on and find out what’s to come for maintenance in 2022.

What is the future of industrial maintenance?

Over the years, there have been many changes in the maintenance sector. Since industry 4.0, a term that emerged in Germany in 2012, where processes, forms of communication and improvement emerged. The technological revolution has also impacted maintenance, we have seen this very clearly in the years of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Technology, mobility, time management and innovation will be heavily explored in the industry. In addition, we list some trends for you to implement in your maintenance in 2022.

IoT and the industry

Internet of Things is nothing new in the list of trends for maintenance. With advances in technology, the applicability of IoT has been gaining new versions, making managers follow updates that always aim to optimize costs, increase quality, reliability and security.

What is the impact of the 5G network on the industry?

The 5G internet has arrived in Brazil with the promise of increased speed in data transmission, in addition to connecting objects, devices and machines, generating more connectivity and speed in information.

For the industry, the main difference between the other networks and the 5G network is the machine-to-machine communication with reliability and speed, in addition to the internet of things ensuring connectivity and security.

Another point that will gain strength with the 5G network is robotics, as companies will be able to connect to multiple devices and systems at the same time.

With the 5G internet, companies will be able to collect data in real time, which grants greater assertiveness in the decision and will be able to feed artificial intelligence algorithms with the objective of optimizing costs, time and increasing maintenance productivity in 2022.

Cybersecurity in industries

With all this Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and robots, one question haunts managers: What about the company’s data security?

Investing in data security should be on the radar not only for maintenance managers, but for the company as a whole. Prevention will certainly avoid irreparable losses to maintenance in 2022.

Metaverse and artificial intelligence in the industry

Artificial intelligence is already gaining supporters in the maintenance sector, as it works to increase the quality of products and services by reducing costs and production time, in general, from the factory floor to corporate processes. Another term that has been gaining strength in the market is the metaverse. The metaverse represents a virtual world through augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and other internet-connected technologies.

More and more companies are investing money in the metaverse. Imagine being able to build an engine design without all the physical apparatus? This is possible with the metaverse, and Boeing does it in its processes, thus reducing errors and expenses with unnecessary projects and pilots.

How important is sustainability in the industry?

It is not new that climate issues have been gaining strength in many scenarios of the economy. Climatic variations greatly impact production in many branches of activities. Recently, we have seen the impacts of rains in several Brazilian states, devastating crops, roads, commerce and industries, which directly impacts the economy.

Investing in renewable energy and sustainability not only brings benefits to the environment, but also to companies, since in Brazil, industries that are committed to reducing gas and waste emissions and keeping within the limit established by the federal government acquire the Environmental Management Certificate, regulated by ISO 14000.

In addition, with social networks, the distance between consumers and companies has decreased. People are concerned about the positioning of organizations, which directly impacts sales. Therefore, sustainable strategies must be part not only of the maintenance, but of the entire company.

Cloud Computing in the Future of Industry

Increasingly, the speed of information exchange in maintenance will make a difference in the results and competitiveness of companies. The pandemic showed us how much computerization is a reality and those who are not prepared were extremely impacted. There is no more room for mega infrastructures and difficulties in data exchange. With cloud computing, companies do not need gigantic structures, since information is saved in the cloud, promoting security, agility and cost reduction.

Impact of the pandemic on maintenance in 2022

As we said, COVID-19 has greatly impacted production, demand and marketing in the supply chain, impacting the global economy. In addition to the financial impacts, asset management had to adapt to the home office, logistics, reduced resources and staff.

The dependence on informatization and systematization was notorious. The need for maintenance software that was no longer new or different was reassured as something essential.

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