Learn how Portobello achieved more reliability in its maintenance with Engeman®

Portobello’s success case demonstrates how Engeman® can help your company have more reliability, availability and organization in its processes. Check it out!

Learn how Portobello achieved more reliability in its maintenance with Engeman®
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With the great competition of the market today, there is a factor that is crucial for the highlight of a company. Yes, we’re talking about reliability! In the 21st century, it is no longer possible to rely on spreadsheets, with important information that can jeopardize the reliability of your processes. After all, for investments to be well applied, investors need to be sure that they will have the expected return and this is proven with concrete data, with indicators and accurate reports. 

The best way for a company to have reliability in its processes is to rely on specialized software that covers all the needs of the company and that can still adapt to the individual reality of each one. Wouldn’t it be great if you could adapt a software to your company’s unique needs? 

Well, in this article we’ll tell you that yes, that’s possible! And for this, we talked to Dimitrius Coelho Nunes, maintenance planner at Portobello S.A. He told us how Portobello has achieved  more reliability in its maintenance and how Engeman® adapted to the specific needs of the company. Follow and learn about the success story of Portobello S.A.

Get to know Portobello

 Portobello is the largest coating company in Brazil, headquartered in Tijucas, Santa Catarina. In addition to the national market, Portobello provides services on five continents and has a sustainable production process always respecting biodiversity and the use of natural resources. The Portobello workshops, located in Tijucas and São Paulo, produce furniture, kitchen countertops, bathroom and flooring in general from the ceramic coating that it produces. 

Founded in 1979, Portobello is based on innovative initiatives, which made it reach the level of one of the largest companies in Brazil and Latin America. The company also stands out for valuing and investing in people, thus working with visionary teams that evolve together. In addition to Tijucas, Portobello has branches in Alagoas, São Paulo and in 2022 continues to expand with the construction of the unit in the USA. 

Difficulties in maintenance management before Engeman®

We talked to Dimitrius Coelho Nunes, who is the maintenance planner and responsible for the software at Portobello. Before the implementation of Engeman®, Portobello did not carry out such detailed control of maintenance indicators, such as MTBF and MTTR, backlog, equipment history, etc. Some bits of information used to be manually pointed out. As we know, practices such as these can compromise the reliability of information, in addition to making it very difficult to collect data and prepare reliable management reports, right? 

Another point that Dimitrius reported to us was regarding the history of equipment, because today it is possible to know how many correctives were made in a given equipment in the last week, for example, or even to know how many pending issues they still have. These bits of information were not made available with such practicality before they implemented Engeman®.

The company has been using the Engeman® software since 2005, when maintenance management was carried out by a third-party company. This outsourced company was responsible for presenting the software to Portobello. With the departure of the outsourced company in 2010, Portobello continued to carry out maintenance management with Engeman®.

Results after Engeman® implantation

After the implementation of Engeman®, Portobello was able to see a greater organization of information in the maintenance sector. With the reports issued by the software, decision-making is more assertive. Dimitrius reported to us, for example, that through a backlog report , they are able to organize themselves more efficiently and investments are more accurate.

Portobello is deepening even further in relation to the use of Engeman® Mobile, including specific customizations to facilitate the recording of information from maintainers. According to Dimitrius, “with the mobile module, the information can be pointed out in real time, and it is not necessary for the operator to stop his work, to sit in front of the computer and take note of everything. It’s all done instantly, without risking losing information. ”

With the mobile module, Dimitrius only confirmed what all of our customers report: “Engeman® Mobile makes the entire process easier and with specific customization will make it even easier to point by gathering real-time information and a more assertive database of equipment information, correctives and backlogs” and more reliably. 

With the use of Engeman®, Portobello began to carry out activities such as:

  • labor notes; 
  • registration of equipment; 
  • issuing numbered Service Orders (SO);
  • backlog;
  • management reports.

These and other functions are very important for more effective maintenance management. Learn more about Engeman®features.

Expectations of the Portobello and Engeman® partnership

Dimitrius told us that “the main purpose of maintenance in a company is the availability of equipment. The more available the equipment, the better for the company. The company will produce more and consequently make more profits. That is why companies have maintenance: to enable this availability, and the more tools we have to help us in this regard, the better.  Engeman® is a tool that helps keep maintenance better and better.” 

Concluding our conversation, Dimitrius told us that Portobello’s expectation is to continue to rely on this successful partnership so that the company can continue to maintain the reliability and availability of its equipment with the help of maintenance management software. 

How can Engeman® help my business?

As we have seen throughout this reading, Portobello ‘s success case demonstrates how Engeman® can help your company have more reliability, availability and organization in its processes.

The Engeman® software is aimed at managers and maintenance operators who need a complete solution to efficiently manage processes such as documentation control, service planning, among other features. All this with flexibility and the support of specialized professionals to assist you and your company in all phases of use, from deployment to technical support.

Schedule a free demo with one of our experts and see how Engeman® can leverage your results.