How Real Guindaste improved its processes with Engeman®

Learn how Engeman® helped Real Guindaste improve its processes and be more competitive. Check!


Having a maintenance management tool is essential to optimizing and improving processes. Reducing costs and bringing more reliability and availability are just some of the benefits that Engeman® can provide for your company.

Today we bring you the successful case of Real Guindaste, a company specializing in heavy machinery rental. We talked to Ricardo Luiz Lobão, IT manager, who told us how Engeman® transformed the Real Guindastes process, giving more agility and efficiency to the services provided. Read on to find out!

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The company

Real Guindastes specializes in cargo handling engineering solutions, offering heavy machinery for rent. Founded in 1988, Real Guindastes offers rental of telescopic cranes from 25 to 500 tons, which can be all-terrain (AT) cranes, rough-terrain (RT) cranes, telescopic crawler cranes, conventional and self-erecting cranes for up to 40 tons, cranes of various capacities, forklifts and reach stackers for up to 45 tons, cargo handlers, and lifting platforms.

Present in various departments of the industry, Real Guindastes always searches for technological evolutions to keep up with the fast growth of the market. Today, the company is recognized for its know-how for quality, safety, and commitment, which guarantees excellence in providing its services.

Difficulties before Engeman®

The use of excel spreadsheets is widespread in some companies. Writing down data and passing it all on to spreadsheets is not expensive work, but it can compromise your data reliability. As companies grow and acquire more equipment, it becomes unfeasible to use this tool.

Imagine the following situation: you need to make a report on the last preventive maintenance performed on your machinery. To do this, you need to manually search for all data written down in spreadsheets, still with the risk that some data has been forgotten. How do I trust this data? If the period is long, how long will you stay for this data verification? These are problems that you will not have with the use of specialist software!

Ricardo told us that before using Engeman® at Real Guindastes, “all data was written down in Excel spreadsheets” and this made it very difficult to control maintenance. 

Results achieved with Engeman® help

Real Guindastes has a fleet with new and modern equipment. With the amount of equipment, maintenance must always be up-to-date so that the company can provide its services with punctuality and quality. With Engeman® help, Real was able to take total control of the maintenance of its fleet.

Another interesting point that Ricardo told us is that today it is possible to monitor all equipment online and in real-time. Thus, it is possible to know the actual availability of equipment. He also told us that “before the machine was at the customer and when it broke down, they had to enter it in spreadsheets, but today everything is entered in the system,”  which facilitates the issuance of work orders and faster problem-solving.

With Engeman® use there was a greater gain in the quality of Real’s management information. “We can easily monitor the equipment’s condition daily. Engeman® has improved a lot, as it is the tool we use to make preventive maintenance (PM) plans based on hour meters and km”, points out Ricardo.

Integration of Engeman® with ERP

Our solution adapts to the most diverse branches of industry and can also be integrated with several other systems. Engeman® has the tool to create integration with any other software, regardless of architecture or manufacturer. With this feature, Ricardo told us that Engeman ® is integrated with the ERP they use at Real Guindastes.  

“Today Engeman® is integrated with my programming system. Before, when the machine was there at the customer working and it broke down, I posted it in the excel spreadsheet. So my programming system did not know this machine had broken down. Today, with Engeman® integration into my ERP, the moment I open a W.O., Engeman® goes to my system, and informs me that this machine is under maintenance and already puts another one in its place. So it made it a lot easier, it changed a lot for us.”

We know that each customer has different needs for data transactions between systems. Therefore, in each project we work to perform these particulates and bring more agility to your business, improving all your processes.

How it is today

We asked Ricardo if there were changes in the work routine of its employees and he told us that “yes, the employees have improved the quality of services because we have adopted the opening, closing, and motoring processes via W.O. services!” With this practice, companies can be more assertive in their services, getting ahead in such a competitive market!

Another important factor that indicates that a company has quality is the ISO 9001 certification. We asked Ricardo if Engeman® helps in obtaining any national and international standardization and he told us that “yes, because the entire process for ISO 9001 recertification done at the end of the last year in the company was based on Engeman®.”

“It was difficult for the ISO auditor to audit all the company’s data, because before everything was done by hand. Not now, it’s all within Engeman®. When I take a process to certify to see if it has been done or not, I go inside Engeman® and I can verify”.


With the success case of Real Guindastes, we understand the importance of having specialized maintenance software so that your management is more assertive. Engeman® is a software with extensive experience and knowledge that can help your company increase its results.

Mobility, real-time information, management reports, integration with several well-known systems on the market, dashboards for visual management, and customization to the reality of your company are just some of the many features that Engeman® has and that will help you take your maintenance management to another level, just as Real Guindastes has achieved.

Invest in your maintenance and see your company reach the top with the help of Engeman®. Don’t waste any more time and get to know everything that Engeman® can provide for your business now. Talk to one of our experts, here.